Thursday, December 11, 2008

Blood work appointment and clinic visit...

Sorry its been so long since my last update. No news is good news right!!!! Today I bring Ashley in for her monthly blood work appointment. They'll check her AFP level. That is the cancer marker. Last time it was 2.6 (I think). Lets hope its low again. Anything under 12 is normal but I want it below 3. That would make my anxiety go away for another month. I'll post the results sometime in the next 2 days as it takes 24 hours for the results.

Also, Jan 16 is Ashleys quarterly CT scan. I'll update the site again after that.

Have an AMAZING holiday. I know there are many people who follow this blog but don't necessarily post. We thank each and everyone of you for thinking of our family this past year. This blog been an emotional support network for Tony and myself. Please live these holiday's to the fullest and remember those who are less fortunate. Remember to give those kiddo's an extra tight hug before bed. I know we'll be celebrating this Christmas with an especially warm heart. We have a lot to be thankful for. Happy Holiday's to each and everyone of you.



VGabbard said...

So glad that things are going so well! It was good to see you in passing this afternoon! Happy holidays to your entire family! ~Vanessa

Leap'n Lizzie said...

BEAUTIFUL family! I praise God for what he has brought you through!
Love, Liz
PS Please email me your address!