Friday, May 30, 2008

Life is starting to seem normal....

Yes its true! Life is starting to seem normal. We're home from our Friday Chemo doses and Ashley hasen't vomited since 3 am. Those IV push Zofran drugs really help. Trying to have her take oral meds is difficult so we had the added blessing of the nurses puting anti vomiting meds into her port IV today.
We might go for a boat ride tonight. And we're going to get the mail as a family. I'm excited.

Today we received another AMAZING grocery delivery from my mom's group. You guys are amazing. By the time Ashley is done with all her Chemo, I'll be 30 pounds overweight. I think we're set for food for a while as things are getting more normal. We shouldn't have any over night hospital stays for 2 weeks. Unless she needs a transfusion (often happens with chemo patients and nothing to stress about).

We have received so much love and support. Our neighbors Gib and Eileen have let the dog outside, Deen and Gretchen... we thank them for their offers of playdates for Whitney. Auntie Hana and Uncle Tsu; we are getting your emails and cards. Feel free to keep sending them. We can't often reply to emails as we're really busy but we read all of them and we're saving them. Auntie Cindy and family... thanks so much for all the support and gifts for the girls. Tony took Whitney to Jamba juice tonight and she went to Baskin Robbins and cashed in all the ice cream certificates from Tsu. See the photo of the ice cream she picked out. Grandma Shimizu - we received your gift and card, thank you so much.
And all of the parents and teachers at Northshore Co-0p preschool. I'm getting your emails and I love getting them. I haven't seen you all in so long and please know that I am well and think of you often. Mentally we've gotten a grip on this cancer and it isn't as daunting any longer. She's going to beat it -- I have no doubts about that.
I hope I'm not forgetting anyone. Grandma and Grandpa have been full time employees of the Whitney Malia Nakata babysitting club. And Grandpa has mowed our lawn again. Whew! Its amazing how much work needs to be done around our house.

I need to go for now but I'll post more later. -- April


Crystal Thomas said...

How great to see these pictures of your happy kids. So glad to hear Ashley's feeling better today. We missed you at playgroup, but we had your latest blog posts to talk about, so it's almost like you were there. ;-) Hopefully we'll get to see you again for real soon, though!

Mako said...

Your positive outlook and optimism are working well for you--the bad cancer is getting the message that it is NOT going to thrive here! Know that you will ALWAYS have our support, whenever you need anything. Thanks for posting the photos. Ashley's beaming smile (not to mention Whitney's proud-as-punch grin!) warms my heart! It is so amazing how great she looks. You go girl!!

Unknown said...

The pictuers of the girls are great. It is great to hear that Ashley is doing well and that the medicine is working. It is nice to hear that you have so much love and support around you. Whitney sure looks happy with her stash. I am glad that you are in such good hands at Childrens.
Stay strong and don't foget to take care of yourselves too.
Love, Karen